Teachers’ Preparation in Language Abilities

Nacional Open Lingua Insights

During June and July the language department has been working with teachers on the development of their language abilities by offering reading comprehension courses and ITEP.

​During June and July the language department has been working with teachers on the development of their language abilities by offering reading comprehension courses and ITEP preparation courses for all our full time and half time teachers. We will have more opportunities for language preparation coming in August.

We offered 6 different courses in reading comprehension 5 face to face and 1 virtual for teachers who liked to improve their ability to read and understand in English. We also had 3 courses for ITEP preparation, nearly 50 teachers are participating so they can take the ITEP examen once again and improve not only their score, but their language proficiency.

The purpose of these courses is to create possibilities for teachers who need to complete the language requirement for having a better position in the University. The language department will have new courses to offer coming in August, for teachers who need to develop their language ability.